The Naked Truth
Dove and Lizzo lead a social movement to get real about harmful beauty standards.
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Young people who accessed the Dove Self-Esteem confidence kit during launch week
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Social media whether we like it or not strongly influences how we view and understand the world and has a lasting impact on how we feel about our self-image. Digital distortion is on the rise with many “enhancing” certain features to live up to current or trendy “beauty standards”.
For young girls retouching selfies beyond recognition has become the norm. But these digital acts are leaving a very real mark. For many young women, self-esteem is at an all-time low and as a result, are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and serious long-term health disorders.
As a brand that embodies real beauty and confidence, Dove had a responsibility to tackle this threat, but awareness of the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) and its helpful resources remained low. The brand needed to expose the problem and spark a conversation at the source: social media.
Dove partnered with body positivity maven Lizzo to drop the Naked Truth on Instagram – an unretouched, naked selfie that urged people to get real about harmful beauty standards. Lizzo’s candid sharing and vulnerability broke the internet. One post became a rallying cry for change and spread a positive message for young girls.